Out of these sections of the API, this sample uses only calls from the session management section. 对于这些API内容,本样例只使用了来自会话管理部分的调用。
Web frameworks could, in many cases, provide better and more reliable session management tools. Web框架可以提供更好更可靠的会话管理工具。
Thus, we see that it is difficult to produce a good session management solution, let alone a secure session management solution. 这样,我们就清楚生产一个良好的会话管理解决方案是相当困难的,更不用说一个安全的会话管理解决方案了。
However, this also introduces some challenges, such as session management. 然而,这也引入了一些挑战,如会话管理。
Languages used for Web programming tend to acquire session management features. Web编程使用的语言常常提供会话管理特性。
This ensures that session management is handled properly. 这可以确保会话管理得到恰当的处理。
By avoiding the requirement of application server or web application server session management, you can use Shiro even in command-line environments. 没有对应用服务器或Web应用服务器会话管理的依赖,您甚至可以在命令行环境中使用Shiro。
WebSphere eXtreme Scale includes an HTTP servlet filter for providing HTTP session management. WebSphereeXtremeScale包含了一个HTTPservlet过滤器,用它来提供HTTP会话管理。
Role-based session management on the client is accomplished using tag suffixes or prefixes. 客户端上基于角色的会话管理是使用标记后缀和前缀来完成的。
The Drupal core provides essential features, such as user management, session management, and templating. Drupal核心(core)提供了基本特性,例如用户管理、会话管理和模板制作。
Yes, you can configure session management to run with in-memory sessions, which is actually the default. 是的,可以将会话管理配置为使用内存内会话(后者实际上是缺省设置)。
DRS makes data for session management, dynamic cache, and stateless session bean available across servers in a cluster. DRS使得集群中的各个服务器都可以使用会话管理、动态缓存和无状态会话Bean的数据。
It provides all of the object and session management facilities, and it exposes the PKCS# 11 mechanisms to the application. 它提供所有的对象和会话管理设施,并将PKCS11机制暴露给应用程序。
The SIP users expect the proxying and forking activities that require multiple layers of SIP session management. SIP用户预计会遇到需要多层SIP会话管理的代理和分叉活动。
The upside of application engines is the fact that they completely relieve the programmer from worrying about session management. 应用程序引擎的上面反应了这样一个事实:他们完全将程序开发者从会话管理的担忧中释放出来。
The current state of the art in session management reflects years of trial and error development. 会话管理目前的水平反映了多年研发的成果。
Session management is an important consideration for a Web application. 会话管理是Web应用程序的一个重要的考虑事项。
Session management will often affect your connector design more than any other single factor. 通常,与其他因素相比,会话管理程序更容易影响连接器的设计。
One of the most obvious omissions from JAX-RPC's session management is a requirement for SOAP header-based session correlation, which is currently supported by most of the toolkits. JAX-RPC会话管理中的一个最明显的遗漏是对SOAP基于头的会话相关性的要求,目前大多数工具包都支持此会话相关性。
In this way, a J2EE application that requires session management doesn't need to rely on cookies being enabled by users of the application. 这样,需要会话管理的J2EE应用程序就无需依赖由应用程序用户启用的cookie了。
Clever hackers can exploit poor session management. 狡猾的黑客能够利用软弱的会话管理。
Session management tools need to be more mature and more robust. 会话管理工具需要更成熟和健壮。
The connection broker can provide a variety of functions including authentication, workload balancing, session management, high availability, and host monitoring. 连接代理可以提供许多功能,包括身份验证、工作负载平衡、会话管理、高可用性和主机监视。
A managed resource provides a data-related service and it implements session management, transaction, persistence, and security. 托管资源模式提供了与数据相关的服务,它实现了会话管理、事务、持久化和安全性。
One of the most important functions provided by the Servlet API is session management& authentication, expiration, and maintenance of per-user session state through the HttpSession interface. ServletAPI提供的一个最重要的功能是会话管理&通过HttpSession接口进行用户状态的认证、失效和维护。
Session data grids store HTTP session management data. 会话型数据网格存储HTTP会话管理数据。
That example will allow you to take control of session management, facilitating a flexible plug-and-play mechanism. 这个例子将允许你以控制会话管理,方便灵活,即插即用的机制。
The Research and Design of Multicast Session Management; Social Services 面向组播服务的会话管理研究与设计
We have not yet standardized on a cross-browser protocol for the interaction monitoring and session management, so the implementations are very specific to Internet Explorer and Firefox. 我们还没有标准化用以集成监测和会话管理的跨浏览器的协议,因此现在的实现对于IE和Firefox都是非常特殊化的。
Research on Web Just-in-time Information Retrieval Based on Session Management 基于会话管理的Web即时信息检索研究